This is my public blacklist for people who aren’t allowed to get any commission from me or try to buy a design from me. I don’t watch over third party resales, but if I find out you’re reselling a design of mine to one of these persons while fully aware they’ve been blacklisted you will be contacted about it and blacklisted by proxy if needed.

Greylisting is slightly different, I won’t necessarily block greylisted people, but will avoid them outside of professional terms. They are also not allowed to commission me directly or buy anything from me, but are allowed to obtain designs I’ve made by proxy. Generally a greylist is softer and temporary and for people that didn’t outright break my TOS but that I do not feel comfortable interacting with anymore.


KiloWaffles / WaffleTrees / ChargedWaffle (TH/Insta/Discord)

→ I’ve been blocked out of their main account and instagram, blacklisted for personal reason related to inner closed species issues. I will not disclose more as it was a private matter.


PeachyPangolin / DarlingDove (TH/Discord)

→ Greylisted for personal reasons relating to closed species issues. I will not disclose any information.